参考[2],主要是要了解router接收消息的时候,默认第一个参数是origin socket,而发送消息的时候第一个参数要传你要发给哪一个dealer
A Router can be used to extend request/reply sockets. When receiving messages a Router shall prepend a message part containing the routing id of the originating peer to the message. Messages received are fair-queued from among all connected peers. When sending messages, the first part of the message is removed and used to determine the routing id of the peer the message should be routed to.
- router.js文件
const zmq = require("zeromq")
async function run() {
const sock = new zmq.Router
await sock.bind("tcp://")
console.log("Worker connected to port 3000")
while (true) {
await sock.send("some work")
const [id, msg] = await sock.receive()
console.log('msg = ', id, msg.toString())
sock.send([id, "I,m broker."])
- dealer.js
const zmq = require("zeromq")
async function run() {
await sock.connect("tcp://")
console.log("Producer bound to port 3000")
while (true) {
await sock.send("some work")
const [msg] = await sock.receive()
console.log('msg = ', msg.toString())
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500))